Florida Real Estate & Land Co.


Press Event



For Immediate Release:


Orlando, Florida, April 1, 2008 -- Nationally renowned real estate marketing and technology speaker and REALTOR.com Vice President, Max Pigman, has presented to Daniel Coombs the "Real Estate Online Marketing Award of Excellence".  The Award of Excellence recognizes top agents who consistently provide great marketing services on behalf of their buyers and sellers.

"There are always some real estate agents who distinguish themselves from other agents by doing a little more for their sellers. In particular; when the home they are selling is placed on a well trafficked site such as the 1st ranked REALTOR.com,1 even simple efforts like having more photos displayed, crafting better descriptions or adding a full motion video, can make a home stand out from competing properties," says Max Pigman, Vice President of REALTOR.com. 

The excellence award was presented to Daniel Coombs at the Ritz Carlton Orlando during a recent real estate marketing and technology seminar that demonstrated cutting edge techniques for leveraging the Internet and technology in real estate marketing.

Daniel Coombs says, "My clients appreciate how I can help bring more attention to the unique selling attributes of their home and ultimately help attract more qualified buyers.  Clients are also appreciative of a well presented home that has a better description and more ways to learn about the property before arranging an appointment. While it's certainly an honor to receive this award, I think ultimately it would be a disservice not to make REALTOR.com and the Internet part of your standard home marketing plan. Some day soon most agents will see it as a must have requirement instead of something special. We're already seeing that change" 

"The extra steps agents like Daniel Coombs are taking on behalf of their clients is the reason we thought it worthwhile to call out the effort we have seen these agents make online and to recognize them for providing these added value services," says Mr. Pigman.

REALTOR.com is just one of the many ways Daniel E Coombs, PA is leveraging recent trends in home buyer online behavior to his clients benefit. 

ome sellers interested in finding out how to have their home marketed on REALTOR.com should contact Daniel E Coombs, PA

Daniel E Coombs

1 Media Metrix – Number of unique users on REALTOR.com each month of 2007.

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